Past Events
This presentation will cover the key elements that go into designing an infrastructure in transportation, site selection, and site development for lunar industrialization. Recent developments in IoT are key to lowering the cost of setup and operations.
Autonomous Vehicles SIG (AV-SIG): Automated Vehicles: ???
CNSV member Dr. Giacomo Vacca will review a range of multiplexing principles used in biomedical applications, particularly blood analysis. Because of the scarcity and value of a biological sample, many methods have been invented to make the most out of very little.
Autonomous Vehicles SIG (AV-SIG): The Latest Trends in Autonomous Vehicles
While you likely know that you have a Credit Score, did you know you may also have a “Threat Score”? Attorney Charles Koch will present how social media information is used, the current state of the law with regard to information shared on social media and tips for legally protecting your privacy.
Autonomous Vehicles SIG (AV-SIG): Autonomous Drones and the Internet of Matter
Stan Honey will discuss his career of navigation-related adventures, the inventions he has spearheaded that have provided Emmy-winning augmented reality for sporting events, and his experience in circumnavigating the globe under sail in 48 days non-stop.
Autonomous Vehicles SIG: Part 1 - SEMI and Autonomous Vehicles
Autonomous Vehicles SIG: Part 2 - Automated Vehicles: Challenges and Opportunities
Dialog is a computer service that allows users to interactively search databases using keywords which was first commercially available in 1967, and thus preceded internet search engines by 27 years. In this program, a panel of former Dialog employees and a Dialog user will discuss the insights that led to its development.
This was a very special IEEE-CNSV-sponsored Open House at the Silicon Valley U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) located in San Jose City Hall. IEEE-CNSV members along with IEEE members and their guests learned about and got a tour of the resources offered at this new regional office, including the public search room, patent examiner meeting rooms, and the PTAB hearing room.
This talk will provide a primer of graph databases and graph-compute engines, and will describe how companies such as Google, Facebook and LinkedIn use these as a strategic tool in their businesses.
Autonomous Vehicles SIG (AV-SIG): Key Autonomous Vehicle Technologies for Precise Location & Realtime Mapping
Today, the core focus of data in IoT typically revolves around leveraging data at scale from deployed devices to understand consumer usage, upsell new services, provide higher quality support, and more. However, device manufacturers can greatly benefit from leveraging data before devices are deployed at scale.
Why does Silicon Valley produce revolution after another? Conventional wisdom credits big visions, great management and a history of success, but conventional wisdom is wrong. Silicon Valley’s unique edge is built on the rubble of failure, poor management and a crucial third ingredient – myth.
With IoT's opportunities come the greatest security challenges we have ever seen. This talk will delve into these challenges by focusing on the technological, operational and organizational considerations in numerous areas.