The Consultants Blog

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This Seemingly Normal Lightning Cable Will Leak Everything You Type 1
Posted Tuesday, Sep 21, 2021 by Jeff Safire

It looks like a Lightning cable, it works like a Lightning cable, and I can use it to connect my keyboard to my Mac. But it is actually a malicious cable that can record everything I type, including passwords, and wirelessly send that data to a hacker who could be more than a mile…

Salesforce’s CodeT5 system can understand and generate code 2
Posted Tuesday, Sep 14, 2021 by Jeff Safire

AI-powered coding tools, which generate code using machine learning algorithms, have attracted increasing attention over the last decade. In theory, systems like OpenAI’s Codex could reduce the time people spend writing software as well as computational and operational costs.

SpaceX cleared for historic civilian launch next week 3
Posted Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 by Jeff Safire

SpaceX is set to launch its first-ever all-civilian crew to space next week on a three-day journey around the Earth that will benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Four private citizens will be tucked inside the Crew Dragon spacecraft when it’s launched into space by Falcon 9 on Sept. 15 as part of the…

Linux Foundation, DARPA collaborate on open source for 5G 4
Posted Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021 by Jeff Safire

The Linux Foundation has signed an agreement with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to establish an open source project for the U.S. government. The agreement calls for the Linux Foundation and DARPA to work together in the areas of 5G, edge, artificial intelligence, standards, programmability and IoT, among other technologies.

Zoom to lift 40-minute meeting limit on Thanksgiving for longer family hangouts 5
Posted Friday, Nov 13, 2020 by Jeff Safire

Zoom said earlier this week it would lift its standard 40-minute limit on free video chats for Thanksgiving Day to make it easier to spend time with friends and family virtually on the US holiday.

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Jeff Safire, Webmaster