The Consultants Blog

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The rise and fall of Yahoo 1
Posted Tuesday, Jul 26, 2016 by Jeff Safire

In the 2000 movie Frequency, a cross-time ham radio link connects father and son across 30 years. Along the way, our present day hero tells his childhood friend, “I want you to remember this word, OK? It’s kind of like a code word: Yahoo. Can you remember that?” His friend does, and because he…

SoftBank Prepares Humanoid Robot Pepper's U.S. Debut 2
Posted Tuesday, May 24, 2016 by Jeff Safire

SoftBank is bringing its “Pepper” humanoid robot to the U.S. and introducing a new SDK for Android Mobile. If you haven’t seen what Pepper is capable of, I recommend having a look; it is quite impressive. It will be interesting to see if the addition of the new Android SDK can attract more developers…

USB Type C speed test: Here's how slow your laptop's port could be 3
Posted Friday, Apr 29, 2016 by Jeff Safire

It’s the controller inside that counts, and you’d be surprised at how some are implemented. USB Type C is the intriguing new port that began appearing in laptops, tablets, phones, and other devices well over a year ago, but we had no real way test its throughput performance until now.

Highlights from the NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference 4
Posted Tuesday, Apr 5, 2016 by Kim Parnell

I am enjoying a few days at the NVIDIA GTC (GPU Technology Conference) this week.  It runs April 4-7, 2016 in San Jose. There are some amazing things going on in a variety of areas. Jen-Hsun Huang, NVIDIA CEO & Co-Founder, gave a very comprehensive Keynote address this morning that showed it all for…

More Info on Hoverboard Safety 5
Posted Sunday, Mar 27, 2016 by Kim Parnell

Rosemary Coates gave an excellent presentation related to safety issues for hoverboards at the Feb 9, 2016 IEEE-CNSV Meeting. You can find the Abstract and slide presentation here for “Exploding Hoverboards, and Everything You Wanted to Know About Chinese Manufacturing But Were Afraid to Ask”.  This has continued to be a “hot” topic!!  Teardowns of…

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Jeff Safire, Webmaster