Killing the Snake: How Counterfeiters Can Be Found and Eliminated

Tue, Oct 8 2019, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm PDT              Killing the Snake: How Counterfeiters Can Be Found and Eliminated 1

Location: SEMI, Milpitas, CA 

6 – 7 PM:  AV-SIG – Electric Vehicle Architecture   Info →

According to the 2018 Global Brand Counterfeiting Report, global product counterfeiting “has reached $1.2 trillion,” … and that is only what has been caught and reported. To put that in perspective, that’s about 1.2% of everything sold worldwide. Left unmitigated, there is a 1 in 20 chance of a consumer purchasing counterfeited electronics, cosmetics, apparel/footwear, medicine, or food/beverage!

This talk will describe how owners of brands and intellectual property are losing billions of dollars in revenue every year to counterfeiters, and how companies go about catching counterfeiters and make them go away: the process is like killing a snake – the tail, the body and the head. Consumers are being deceived, and this deceit can often have dangerous consequences.

Finding and fighting counterfeiters is hard work and may be a relentless task – but protecting your inventions, brands, and trademarks, and ultimately a company’s revenue is critical to maintaining a brand’s value. The best anti-counterfeiting strategies employ technology and a team of multi-discipline professionals, usually led by a legal team.

Killing the Snake: How Counterfeiters Can Be Found and Eliminated 3About the speaker,  Imran F. Vakil of Nexio PC

Imran F. Vakil is an intellectual property lawyer, business litigator, and Managing Attorney at Nexio PC. Having been attorney of record in over four hundred state and federal cases, TTAB actions, arbitrations, and mediations, Imran has expertise in the litigation of trademarks, trade dress, copyrights, trade secrets, patents, unfair competition and commercial disputes.


Killing the Snake: How Counterfeiters Can Be Found and Eliminated 4About the speaker, Rosemary Coates of Blue Silk Consulting

Rosemary Coates is an Expert Witness for legal cases involving global supply chain matters. She is also the President of Blue Silk Consulting, a Global Supply Chain consulting firm, and Executive Director of the Reshoring Institute. Rosemary is a best-selling author of 42 Rules for Sourcing and Manufacturing in China and Legal Blacksmith – How to Avoid and Defend Supply Chain Disputes. She is also an IEEE-CNSV member, and has spoken at four previous CNSV events.

Location: SEMI, Milpitas, CA

567 Yosemite Dr, Milpitas, CA 95035
View Map & Directions



Main Presentation recording will not be available.

Early SIG meeting schedule:

6:00 PM  – SIG Meeting (CNSV Special Interest Group) :
Note: Free Registration includes Main and SIG meetings, but please register. (See Ticket Info, above)


AV-SIG:  Electric Vehicle Architecture

An electric vehicle (EV) includes three major subsystems: the battery and battery management system (BMS), the inverters, and the motors. The design of the BMS and the inverters is of critical importance. An EV battery consists of many cells, and the BMS provides charge and health monitoring for each of these cells in order to keep them in balance and ensure optimal battery lifetime. The inverter module drives the motor and feeds energy to the battery, and is the most critical component to optimize battery range, driving behavior and safety.

This presentation will first discuss the high-level architecture of EVs and of the various control modules necessary for an effective EV architecture, and will then will do a deep dive into the inner workings of the BMS and the inverter architecture. Important topics such as charge balancing, the fuel gauge monitor, and cell voltage monitor will be discussed, along with the inverter module architecture, the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) stage, controllers, and the battery charging circuits. All of these components will be shown to be critical for safety, performance, and an optimal driver experience.

speaker portrait

Zahir Ahmed is the founder and CEO of MicroElec Technical, a premier semiconductor, microelectronics and mixed signal company founded in 2006. He supports electric and autonomous car manufacturers through technology representation and electronic product development. His company represents microelectronic and engineering technology manufacturers, and partners with OEMs and engineers in the automotive and energy sectors.