The Consultants Blog

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Design blunder exists in Intel, AMD, Arm, Power processors 1
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2018 by Kim Parnell

Microsoft, Google: We’ve found a fourth data-leaking Meltdown-Spectre CPU hole By Chris Williams, Editor in Chief 21 May 2018 at 21:00 A fourth variant of the data-leaking Meltdown-Spectre security flaws in modern processors has been found by Microsoft and Google researchers. These speculative-execution design blunders can be potentially exploited by malicious software running on…

Interpol’s New Software Will Recognize Criminals by Their Voices 2
Posted Monday, May 21, 2018 by Jeff Safire

A new platform aims to identify offenders by matching voice recordings to speech samples stored in a massive database, raising privacy concerns.

Hiding Information in Plain Text 3
Posted Tuesday, May 15, 2018 by Jeff Safire

Subtle changes to letter shapes can embed messages By Charles Q. Choi Image: Columbia University Computer scientists have now invented a way to hide secret messages in ordinary text by imperceptibly changing the shapes of letters. The new technique, named FontCode, works with common font families such as Times Roman and Helvetica. It is…

Math Explains How Brain Makes Sense of Sounds 4
Posted Monday, May 7, 2018 by Jeff Safire

Clark School researchers take a new computational approach to understanding brain’s function. Sponsored by University of Maryland, A. James Clark School of Engineering The brain has been called the most complicated biological structure on Earth. Electrical engineers and neuroscientists in the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering are working together to…

What does the Sprint and T-Mobile merger mean for 5G? 5
Posted Monday, Apr 30, 2018 by Jeff Safire

Is 5G a reason to merge, or just an excuse to get regulators to allow it? By Chaim Gartenberg April 30, 2018 After years of back and forth, Sprint and T-Mobile have finally announced plans to merge. And while there’s plenty of steps that the two companies will have to go through to convince…

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Jeff Safire, Webmaster