The Consultants Blog

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Google using 60 GHz sensors to control smart devices 1
Posted Thursday, Jun 11, 2015 by Jonathan Wells

Project Soli is developing a new interaction sensor using radar technology. The sensor can track sub-millimeter motions at high speed and accuracy. It fits onto a chip, can be produced at scale and built into small devices and everyday objects.

What is different about Big Data? 2
Posted Monday, Jun 1, 2015 by Shashidhar Sathyanarayana

What is different about Big Data? Other than that it is, er, big? This is a question that I am frequently asked, most often by people who are plainly skeptical about Big Data simply because it is hugely oversold these days. At the recent Annual Signal and Image Sciences Workshop (more about this later…

White Paper: Marketing Your Engineering Consulting Services Using Craigslist 3
Posted Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 by Sean Murphy

CNSV sponsored a white paper on “Marketing Your Engineering Consulting Services On Craigslist” that was published on January 13, 2015.  It was authored by Carl Angotti of Angotti Product Development and Walt Maclay of Voler Systems. The authors have personally used and refined the methods described in the paper for more five years for lead…

Mountain View-Based Google Launches New Wireless Service -- Project Fi 4
Posted Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 by Kim Parnell

This offering may provide some competition to the current cellular providers, especially if/when it expands beyond the Nexus phone.  I think it certainly indicates an intention on the part of Google to become a serious contender in this market. See: About Project Fi  and  Google blog: Project Fi Mountain View-Based Google Launches New Wireless Service…

IEEE Region 6 Recognizes CNSV as Outstanding Chapter 5
Posted Friday, Apr 17, 2015 by Sean Murphy

In 2015 CNSV was recognized by IEEE Region 6 as outstanding in promoting members’ skills and providing educational opportunities for Silicon Valley. The award reads: IEEE Region 6 Outstanding Chapter presented to Consultants Network of Silicon Valley For creating a network to promote the skills of its consultants, fostering collaboration among its members, creating…

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