The Consultants Blog

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Meet the CAN Invader – How Can Automotive Ethernet Curb Car Theft? 1
Posted Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 by Jeff Safire

by Steven Leibson     July 24 2023     EE Journal There’s a car-theft gang in Atlanta that’s stealing late model, high-end Toyota and Lexus vehicles by hacking the cars’ CAN (car area network) Bus. Apparently, this type of car theft originated in Japan, where criminal hackers have developed a device called a…

Almost 90 percent of classic games are ‘critically endangered,’ say archivists 2
Posted Friday, Jul 14, 2023 by Jeff Safire

It is impossibly hard to play games released before 2010.Article by Ash Parrish, The Verge|Gaming • Jul 14, 2023 With advancing console generations and the slow demise of both backward compatibility and digital game storefronts, the ability to play older games has always been tough. Through a new study from the Video Game History…

How Emerging Memory Supports Next-Gen Computing in Data Explosion Era 3
Posted Monday, Jun 19, 2023 by Jeff Safire

Memory innovation is recognized as one of the key solutions to address the challenges of the data explosion era. Not only is it important that memory technologies offer standard specifications such as high performance, lower power consumption and cost, and higher capacity, but they must also offer smarter solutions to effectively eliminate issues inherent…

Speakers at AICS Go In Depth on Green AI Computing 4
Posted Thursday, Jun 8, 2023 by Jeff Safire

EE Times Staff – The theme of the 5th IBM IEEE AI Compute Symposium (AICS), held at an IBM research center last fall in New York, was “scalability to sustainability.” Symposium presenters from industry and academia covered a range of topics, including device technology, circuits, architecture, algorithms and sustainability…

Skylab: The Space Station That Fell on Australia 5
Posted Thursday, May 4, 2023 by Jeff Safire

Article by Allison Marsh: Fifty years ago, on 14 May 1973, a modified Saturn V rocket launched from the Kennedy Space Center carrying Skylab, the United States’ first space station. Six years later, in the early hours of 12 July 1979, Skylab reentered Earth’s atmosphere in a fiery blaze, spreading debris across the Indian…

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Jeff Safire, Webmaster