Michael Patten
Mobile: 510.207.5913
CNSV Member
IEEE Senior Member
Development of Semiconductor manufacturing equipment, Factory Automation (SEMI SECS/GEM
Protocols), Software and user interface design; Motion control; data collection, storage, and display;
C#, .Net,
1045 S Eagle Nest Dr
Woodland Hills, UT 84653
Woodland Hills, UT 84653
Automation, Control systems, Diagnosis, Instrumentation, Project Management, Semiconductor Capital Equipment Development, Software, Systems Engineering, Test Engineering.
Has automated wafer motion, temperature control systems, and process control systems. Extensive work in foreign wafer fabs integrating equipment and working with customer engineers to make everything run smoothly.
Michael was a CNSV At-Large Director in in 2009-2010 and 2015, Vice-Chair in 2013 and Treasurer in 2011-2012.