John Cooper, CRE, PE
Bus. Phone: 650 207 3664
Mobile: 650.207.3664
Fax: 815.301.3444
Mobile: 650.207.3664
Fax: 815.301.3444
CNSV Member
IEEE Member
Reliability engineering, prediction, HALT, FMEA, Failure Modes Effects Analysis (FMEA)
"Ruggedizing Products to Last Longer", reliability engineering training, CRE Exam preparation
POB 695
El Granada, CA 94018
El Granada, CA 94018
Reliability Services for all phases of product life cycle:
- Product Reliability Analysis
- Derating and Stress Analysis; Component Selection
- Tolerance, Worst Case Analysis
- Life Prediction (MTBF)
- Failure Modes Effects Analysis (FMEA and FMECA)
- HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test)
- HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screening)
- Testing, fixturing, analysis
- Thermal analysis
- Reliability Demonstration Test (RDT) – Planning & Execution
- Design for Reliability
Multiple Industries:
- Medical Instrumentation
- Solar PV, Wind Power Electronics
- Network Equipment
- Audio Products and Components
- Consumer Electronics
- Educational Toys – Safety and Compliance (ASTM F963, EN71)
- Telephone Equipment, including Headsets (Wireless and Corded)
- Wireless and Microwave Equipment
- Music products
Assistance in various forms:
- Reliability Engineering Consulting Service
- Contract Engineering
- Training
- CRE Exam Preparation
- Startup Companies, multiple
- Plantronics, Inc.
- LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc.
- Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
- Agilent Technologies, Inc. (was HP)
- Outsourcing, International – QC, Testing, Quality, Reliability
- Expert Witness, International Arbitration
Education and Training:
- MSEE, Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- BSEE, Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- American Society of Quality (ASQ)
- Certified Reliability Engineer (CRE)
- Professional Engineer, Electrical, California (PE)
- Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)
- ASTM International
- MBA, Technology Management, University of Phoenix
- Member of Ops A La Carte, LLC consulting team,
- Member, PATCA: