Surveying the Landscape of Established and Emerging Patent Monetization Models: New Opportunities for Technical and Patent Experts
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union
The last couple of years have brought about rapid and dramatic changes in patent law. The impetus for this change has come not only from the usual sources – the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office – but also as a result of an unprecedented combination of increasing attention on patent cases by the U.S. Supreme Court as well as the patent reform debate in Congress. Against the backdrop of what many see as a constricting legal environment, the market for buying, selling and investing in IP – and patents in particular – has exploded. This has created a broad range of new opportunities for technical and patent experts.
Ron Laurie will present an overview of the new patent monetization ecosystem, including brokers, auctions, exchanges, aggregators, enforcers, financiers, investors and defensive alliances/pools. He will also highlight the areas in which domain expert support is needed, and will discuss the effect of the current legal and economic environments on the growth and adaptation of the various business models.

Ron Laurie has worked in Silicon Valley for over forty years, initially as a computer programmer and systems engineer, and then as an intellectual property lawyer. In 2004, he co-founded Inflexion Point Strategy, LLC, an intellectual property investment bank. This company advises technology companies and institutional investors in acquiring, divesting, and investing in IP-rich companies and business units, as well as in strategic IP assets in the form of patent portfolios, exclusive field-of-use license rights and related know-how.
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union
2805 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051
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