Seminar/Webinar: Finding Potential Consulting Clients and Getting an Appointment
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union
Register for this event here by 12:05am on Friday, September 25, 2009. Sorry, no walk-ins permitted. This workshop is limited to 30 in-person attendees to enhance interactivity. Others may participate by simultaneous webinar.
Arrive between 8am and 8:20am. The event runs from 8:30am-12:30pm. Coffee and pastries will be served during this networking period. Lunch is not included. You are invited to bring marketing collateral for your consulting business.
At this event you will:
- Learn the dynamics of selling
- Craft an elevator pitch that gets results
- Learn the Best Networking Venues, and what to do when you arrive
- Practice networking
- Learn how to build an “A List” of contacts
- Learn about and practice making cold calls
- Learn what to do next to generate sales leads
At the conclusion of the workshop, you will have a template for your elevator pitch.
This seminar is the first of three in the Sales Series in the CNSV Seminar Program. These are intended to help you increase your sales skills and confidence. The other two seminars in this series will address the first meeting with a prospect and the qualifying process, and closing the deal and getting referrals.
These seminars are organized by IEEE-CNSV to help its members advance their skills during these difficult times, and are co-sponsored by the Santa Clara Valley Section of IEEE and IEEE-CNSV.
About the speaker, Mike Johnson, Michael Johnson Sales Solutions
Mike Johnson holds a BS in Mathematics and a Masters in Electrical Engineering. He has over
30 years of experience in sales and sales management.
Mike has taught leading edge sales processes
to a wide range of companies from HP, Cisco and General Electric to small startups and first-time
entrepreneurs. He earned the Chairman’s Award from Jack Welch while selling for GE.
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union
2805 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051
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