Nano and Micro Technology: A Consultant’s Perspective
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union
Kris Vossough has an R&D firm specialized in designing and prototyping various MEMS devices and microsystems. He began operation in late 2001 by landing a process development contract with a display manufacturer, and his firm grew as it secured numerous contracts for the design and development of semiconductor processes. His clients have ranged from startups to established technology firms involved in Nanotechnology and Micro ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS).
Kris’ presentation will include a technical primer on Nano and Micro Technology, as well as details about how he has grown his company by hiring fellow consultants.
About the speaker, Kris Vossough, Ph.D., Nano and Micro Technology Consultants
Kris Vossough is the founder of Nano and Micro Technology Consultants, a technical consulting firm focused on providing nanotechnology and MEMS support for entities ranging from early stage startups to large technology companies. Prior to this venture, Kris performed R&D work on MEMS sensors and photonics for three startups. He has designed and fabricated various MEMS devices, including photonic MEMS, piezoresistive and acoustic sensors, AFM tips and actuated hinges. He also has extensive experience with the deposition and characterization of Thallium-based superconductors and thin-film magnetic materials, work he initially performed at IBM Almaden Research Center.
Kris has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from UC Davis, where his thesis was Design and fabrication of polysilicon field emitters. He has over 16 years of experience in industrial research in both academia and in the industry.
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union