Consultants’ Forum #3: Marketing – Four Different Approaches

Tue, Jan 20 2009, 7:00 pm        

A panel of four CNSV members will explain how they market their consulting businesses. Marketing is essential for success as a consultant over the long term.

Come and listen to each speaker’s unique personal approach to staying busy as a consultant. Whether you are active as a consultant or not, you are sure to pick up some pointers about ways to improve your personal marketing plan and approach to your own business.

Brian A. Berg: Brian will be moderating this panel and the group discussion. His marketing approach includes a well-linked website, speaking at conferences, running numerous listservers and being active in organizations related to his specialty of computer storage and interfaces. He also applies his technical experience to developing intellectual property and working as an Expert Witness.

Sean Murphy: Sean will discuss how user communities can be a great low cost way to market and support your products or services. He will offer tips for building and using user communities to expand your customer base and enhance your customers’ trust.

Ahmet Alpdemir: Ahmet will explain how he uses social networks to build his business relationships. He will also touch upon a new social network that he is launching.

Peter C. Salmon: Peter’s approach includes getting detailed white papers published in various trade journals. He always insures that any copyright agreements required for his publications include proper attribution so that he can be contacted by interested readers.

About the speaker,  Brian A. Berg, Berg Software Design, Sean Murphy, SKMurphy, Inc., Ahmet Alpdemir, Shimdi Venture Advisors, Peter C. Salmon, Peter C. Salmon, LLC

Brian A. Berg is an IEEE-CNSV Board Director and past Chair. He is a consultant specializing in storage system design, particularly Flash Memory and USB. He has worked extensively with Intellectual Property, including numerous engagements as an Expert Witness. He will be moderating this meeting.

Sean Murphy has been an entrepreneur since he could drive. His firm, SKMurphy, Inc. assists software firms with customer development, focusing on early customers and early revenue. He enjoys working with small teams who plan to change the world, creating more opportunities than they started with.

Ahmet Alpdemir is a business management coach and consultant with over 25 years of experience in transforming technology into profits. His experience spans from entrepreneurship and early stage venture investments to corporate P&L management, business development, sales and marketing in high-tech companies that continue to change the world.

Peter C. Salmon is an inventor who writes and sells patents, authoring and owning over 30 of them. He specializes in electronic packaging and systems design, and has begun working in the expert witness arena.

Location: KeyPoint Credit Union

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