The Consultants Blog

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A Man in a Hurry: Claude Shannon’s New York Years 1
Posted Monday, Jul 17, 2017 by Jeff Safire

Looking back on the last months of 1940, Claude Shannon was quite open about his desire to avoid the World War II draft: “Things were moving fast there, and I could smell the war coming along. And it seemed to me I would be safer working full-time for the war effort, safer against the…

What China's VPN Ban Means for Internet Users: Quicktake Q&A 2
Posted Tuesday, Jul 11, 2017 by Jeff Safire

China is cracking down on virtual private networks, targeting the most popular way to access websites based outside the country and avoid restrictions. The government ordered the nation’s three state-run phone carriers to enforce a ban on VPNs for individuals and require companies operating on the mainland to register

Mats Järlström: I Am an Engineer 3
Posted Tuesday, Jun 27, 2017 by Jeff Safire

Until two weeks ago, the simple act of calling myself an engineer could have earned me a US $1,000 fine as a repeat offender of Oregon’s unconstitutional professional-engineer licensing law. All that changed on 30 May, when the board consented to a preliminary injunction I filed as part of my First Amendment lawsuit…

Four Big Challenges Today's Self-Employed Professionals Face 4
Posted Wednesday, Jun 14, 2017 by Jeff Safire

It seems self-employment is the latest trend in the business world, with more than seven out of 10 small business owners looking to grow their own business rather return to traditional employment…

5 Tips for Getting Paid as a Small Business 5
Posted Thursday, Jun 1, 2017 by Jeff Safire

Being a small business owner is challenging enough without having to worry about getting paid. As a new study from the online payments specialists at WePay reveals, many entrepreneurs are struggling with maintaining steady cash flow and the effects of payment fraud.

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Happy writing!
Jeff Safire, Webmaster