Winncy Du 1

Winncy Du, PhD
Bus. Phone: 408.924.3866
Mobile: 408.839.8531

CNSV Member

IEEE Senior Member

Sensor and circuitry design, robot programing and control, digital/analog signal/image processing, and biomedical device design.

San Jose State Univ., Mechanical Engr. Dept.
San Jose, CA 95192

I am a licensed professional engineer (PE) and have worked on more than 100 industry projects, ranging from wearable sensor design, robot programming and control, biomedical instrumentation, to noise attenuation. As a principal investigator (PI) or co-PI of more than 20 research grants, I have conducted many research, such as neural activities in human brain, universal vibratory part feeding, feature extraction in machine learning.

As a professor at SJSU for more than 20 years, I have taught 17 different graduate and undergraduate, fundamental and advanced courses with subjects spanning dynamics, biomechanics, mechatronics, robotics, control, and vibration, etc.

I am the director of the Robotics, Sensor, and Machine Intelligence Laboratory at SJSU for about 20 years, and have set up the modern robotics and sensor laboratory for both education and research. I have strong hands-on skills and are familiar with various instruments, diagnosis/troubleshooting techniques, electronics, programming languages (e.g., C, C++, Python, Basics), and many engineering software (LabVIEW, MATLAB, SOLIDWORS, etc.)

My PhD in Mechanical Engineering and my second MS degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering were awarded by the Georgia Institute of Technology. I earned my first MS and BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from West Virginia University and Jilin University, respectively.

          Winncy Du 2