CNSV Director
IEEE Life Fellow
IEEE 2024 President
Technical consulting, litigation support, digital storage and memory device and system technical and market analysis, event organizing.
San Jose, CA 95124-3234
Tom Coughlin is a widely respected storage analyst and consultant with over 40 years of experience in the data storage industry. His company Coughlin Associates provides market and technology analysis as well as Data Storage Technical and Marketing Consulting services.
Dr. Coughlin has many publications and six patents to his credit. His book Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide was the subject of his June 2008 CNSV Dinner meeting talk. It is now in its second edition at Springer.
Tom is active with SMPTE, SNIA, the IEEE Magnetics Society, IEEE CE Society, and other professional organizations. He is a very active IEEE member, holding many senior roles and positions over the years including IEEE President, IEEE-USA President, IEEE Region 6 Director, and IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section Chair. He is the founder and organizer of the Storage Visions conferences, as well as the Creative Storage Conferences. He is a Gerson Lehrman Group Advisor, and was Conference Chair or Program Chair of the annual Flash Memory Summit for 12 years. He also writes the Forbes Storage Bytes Blog.
Tom is a CNSV Director, and was also a CNSV Director in 2023, CNSV Chair in 2022, and an At-Large Director in 2016-2021 and 2024. He has been a member of CNSV for well over 10 years. He is an IEEE Fellow “for leadership in consumer electronics digital storage technology.”

Also see my CNSV Board of Directors profile…