Mobile: 415.420.8449
CNSV Member
IEEE Senior Member
Intellectual property consulting including litigation consulting, digital design and verification, EDA tool development and automation, HDL/RTL hardware source code review, Software source code review
San Francisco, CA 94131
John Peck has over 25 years of experience as a software and hardware engineer with over 11 years of experience as a technical analyst for hardware and software intellectual property cases. He has drafted numerous claim charts and prepared expert reports for software copyright, trade secret, and patent litigation. He is comfortable researching and expressing complex technical issues. He is experienced with source code review and able to explain its operation in ways that most people can understand. To date, John Peck has consulted on a total of 31 cases.
- Provided expert testimony 9 times at deposition and three times at trial
- Consultant and analyst for multiple ITC 337 investigations
- Software source code analysis for litigation including alleged copyright violation and trade secret theft
- Hardware HDL/RTL source code and schematic analysis for litigation matters including patent infringement
- Patent evidence of use
- Reverse engineering of software on mobile, desktop, and server platforms
- Performed software and hardware IP analysis and composed expert reports regarding patents, trade secrets, and copyright matters
- Ran CodeSuite® and analyzed software source code correlations
- Reviewed client portfolio patents to determine likelihood of infringing use based on publicly available information
- Developed source code comparison and analysis tools
John Peck’s prior hardware engineering experience includes system architecture, digital design, design verification, design methodology automation, FPGAs, ASICs, and complex SoCs using in IoT applications such as smart power meters. He has a solid background in software engineering, including video game development, firmware, EDA tools, and system validation environments. He is an inventor of 10 US patents issued. John Peck earned an MS in computer science from the University of California, Los Angeles and a BS in computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. John’s experience as a practicing engineer for over 25 years provides his insight into the operation of complex systems as it relates to the source code that implements them. Consequently he can efficiently identify the source code that is relevant to the issues in the case. Please visit his Linkedin profile for more detail: