Mobile: 650.207.8235
CNSV Member
IEEE Life Member
Machine/Device automation software, real-time instrumentation, data networking, and electronic/robotic automation.
Los Altos, CA 94024
Software Patent Litigation case claim-chart and expert-report source code analysis Medical Instrumentation and Industrial Automation and Control software:
- Real-time control with Rust Embassy, FreeRTOS, Linux Xenomai, Windows TenAsys Intime, VxWorks, QNX, and bare-metal
- STM32L4xx, Raspberry Pi, NXP iMX6, and other ARM platforms
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) instrument development
- Temperature and other parametric control handlers
- Target platforms include x86/AMD64/ARM/PIC/Atmel and others
- Typical OS and GUI frameworks include Linux and Windows, WPF/WinForms/Qt/WxWidgets.
- Control algorithms
- Image processing
- Factory automation and communications
- Robotics
- Compilers
- Optical measurement development
- Photonic communications control (Silicon Labs Si5040, MACOM 37049, GigOptix, Semtech, etc…)
Software development services for instrumentation and industrial equipment control, data collection, and automation communications applications. Based in the SF Bay Area (Silicon-Valley) and specialize in custom network software, domain-specific machine/device control, and SEMI-Standards compliant factory automation software. Offering development and integration services for a range of industries. including semiconductor, medical, data communications, and other technology sectors. Device drivers, algorithmic and interrupt driven schedulers, system utilities, and system integration services are also available.