Trends in Mobile Processors
Location: Agilent Technologies, Bldg. 5
CNSV is pleased to announce that this event being co-sponsored by the SCV IEEE Computer Society chapter.
Speaker Mike Demler has posted a story on this topic: MediaTek Rolls an Eight.
This meeting will include our Annual meeting, at which time the results of the 2014 Officers’ Election will be announced.
Starting this year, smartphone shipments will represent more than half of the handset market. Mobile processors are the highly integrated Systems-on-a-Chip that have powered this revolution in portable computing devices. In a classic example of disruptive innovation, the rapid pace of change and cutthroat pricing have caused some semiconductor vendors to exit the market while a new generation of companies have risen to the forefront.
A multicore war is underway, with some chip companies pushing the limits from dual to quad to configurations, with up to eight CPUs on a chip. New architectures are emerging, including ARM’s big.LITTLE CPU cores in true heterogeneous multiprocessing configurations. In addition, Apple’s A7 announcement has kicked off the 64-bit debate, and Intel is continuing to pursue a foothold in this market with a new generation of x86 mobile processors.
In this presentation, Mike Demler will review the latest trends in mobile processors, and attempt to sort out some of the confusion in this highly competitive market.
About the speaker, Mike Demler, The Linley Group
Mike Demler is a Senior Analyst at The Linley Group and a Senior Editor at Microprocessor Report. His diverse career spans nearly the breadth of the semiconductor industry in both technical and business roles, from early-stage R&D to IC design, manufacturing, and software tools.
Mike has extensive engineering experience and is a named inventor on eight US patents. He is the author of High-Speed Analog-to-Digital Conversion, an engineering textbook that has remained in print since 1991. He later served as a strategic-marketing director at Cadence and a product-marketing manager for Synopsys.
Location: Agilent Technologies, Bldg. 5
5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95051
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