Seminar/Webinar: Copyright and Trademark Basics for Consultants
Location: Cogswell Polytechnic College
Register here by 6pm on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010.
This interactive seminar and simultaneous webinar will run from 9am until approximately 12:30pm, depending on the number of questions.
The seminar will consist of registration, networking, coffee and pastries starting at 8:30am, with the live event starting at 9am.
The webinar will start at 9am, and will consist of presentation slides on your screen, real-time audio through your speakers or phone, and the ability to ask questions via text chat. Webinar registrants will be emailed webinar participation instructions.
Being a successful technical consultant requires a basic understanding of the law pertaining to copyright and trademark. Copyright protects creative ideas stored in a fixed medium, and trademark protects use of a name used in commerce. You can lose important legal rights by failing to address these legal issues in your contract language with clients. Topics to be covered in this seminar are listed below.
Copyright Topics:
- Matters Protected
- Originality Requirement
- Protection of Expression Rather than Ideas
- Elements for Infringement
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
- Defenses
Trademark Topics:
- Basis for trademark protection
- Trademark dilution
- Federal trademark infringement
- Likelihood of confusion
- Secondary meaning doctrine
- Abandonment of a trademark
- “In commerce” analysis
- Federal unfair competition
- Common-law unfair competition
- State statutory grounds
- Fair Use defense
- Other defenses
This event is produced by volunteers of the CNSV Consulting Practices Program (CPP). It is co-sponsored by the IEEE Santa Clara Valley (SCV) Section and IEEE-CNSV.
About the speaker, Jonathan J. Sweet, Esq.
CNSV member Jonathan J. Sweet has a Los Gatos-based business in which he counsels business clients on litigation and transactional matters. He also teaches and lectures on copyright and trademark issues.
Jonathan is the author of two books on the subjects of contracts and avoiding litigation, and has taught law courses at the Lincoln Law School of San Jose, San Jose State Univ. (SJSU) and the Univ. of San Francisco (USF). He often acts as a mediator or arbitrator for resolving disputes.
Location: Cogswell Polytechnic College
1175 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
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