Seminar/Webinar: Communication Tools for Consultants with Steven Cerri
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union
As a consultant, you often believe that you are hired primarily for your technical expertise. But actually it’s more complicated than that. Your clients do indeed want your technical expertise, but they also want to work with you in a positive, productive, and amicable way. That means you must have good communication skills. It means that you have to connect with your customers on a level that builds rapport.
And it’s become clear to the successful consultant members in IEEE-Consultants’ Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV), that effective communication is critical to your success as a consultant. That’s why they are co-sponsoring this event with Steven’s company. Here is your chance to become more successful by improving your communication skills.
Whether you are…
1. reaching out to a potential customer
2. negotiating a contract
3. defining requirements
4. delivering products
5. getting paid
The better your communication skills, the greater your success.
Join Steven Cerri, engineer, consultant, and trainer and coach to engineers, on June 12 at KeyPoint Credit Union, for a morning of communication training.
In this class, you will learn…
1. how to build natural rapport
2. how to connect with your potential clients so they feel comfortable with you
3. how to motivate your customer to tell you their actual needs and expectations
4. how to expand your client base beyond the “easy” clients to the rest of your potential base
The workshop will be held at the KeyPoint Credit Union (2805 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara), and laptops are not required.
About the speaker, Steven Cerri, STCerri International
Steven Cerri is an expert in the inter-personal people skills necessary to successfully transition from engineer to organizational leader and in the soft skills necessary for successful technical management and leadership. He personally has made the transition from engineer, to program manager, to vice president of engineering, to general manager, and now trains and coaches engineers and managers in communication, management, and leadership.
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union
2805 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051
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