Maker Faire 2017 – San Mateo
Location: San Mateo Event Center
The 2017 Maker Faire is coming May 19-21, at the San Mateo Event Center. CNSV along with the SCV Section will have a booth and we’re planning some fun demos!
Learn to Solder Booth — There will also be a Learn to Solder booth.
What is Maker Faire?
We call it the Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth. Maker Faire is part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new! As a celebration of the Maker Movement, it’s a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. Faire gathers together tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, food artisans, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. Makers come to show their creations and share their learnings. Attendees flock to Maker Faire to glimpse the future and find the inspiration to become Makers themselves.
The Life Size Mousetrap is a fantastically hand crafted, 16 piece, 50,000-lb. interactive kinetic sculpture set atop a 6,500-square-foot game board. This giant Rube Goldberg style contraption comes complete with a Vaudevillian style show.
Location: San Mateo Event Center
1346 Saratoga Drive | San Mateo, CA 94403
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