Bluetooth Re-Invented
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union
Bluetooth has been re-invented as Bluetooth Low Energy and has thereby been optimized for 1) simple applications, and 2) the ability to run on coin cells for years. The layers from the antenna up to the applications support middleware, and these layers are documented in the 2010 Bluetooth 4.0 specification. The first wave of applications are now being deployed, and there is support in mobile phones such as the iPhone 4S and Motorola Droid RAZR. Support will appear soon in PCs and other internet gateways.
Topics addressed will include the following:
- What is Bluetooth Low Energy?
- How does it work?
- How does it compare to classic Bluetooth and to Zigbee (using IEEE 802.15.4)?
- What is it good for?
- Where can you learn more?
This talk will include a demo.
About the speaker, Joe Decuir, Cambridge Silicon Radio
Joe Decuir has been working in networking and communications for over 30 years, and is currently a standards architect for Cambridge Silicon Radio. He contributed to the Bluetooth 4.0 specification, and is currently working on applications for this standard.
Joe has been giving presentations on computers and communications topics to IEEE chapters around the US and Canada. He serves as Chair of the IEEE Region 6 Northwest Area, which includes Sections in Alaska, Oregon and Washington.
CNSV Pre-meetings: 6-7 pm
Intellectual Property (IP) SIG
Co-Chairs: Peter Salmon and Jonathan Wells
Presentation: Evaluating an Inventor’s Patents
Speaker: Mike Caldwell
This presentation will introduce “The Inventors Scorecard,” a report derived from a unique database of the USPTO record, especially forward rejections, that can be used to provide objective data of the importance of an inventor’s patent body of work. The talk will further show methods for identifying potential infringement and licensing opportunities.
Mike Caldwell is President of Patent River, Inc., a four-year old corporation providing a US patent office database and tools for generating reports of interest. Mike has a BS in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, an MS in Electrical Engineering and an MBA. He is a patent agent registered with the USPTO and in practice for nine years, focusing on power conversion, electronics, semiconductor processing and mechanical invention disclosures. He is a member of IEEE and the National Associate of Patent Practitioners.
Medical Device (Med) SIG
Co-Chairs: Shashi Sathyanarayana and Carl Angotti
Presentation: Using Light for Sub-Surface High Resolution Tissue Imaging
Speaker: Utkarsh Sharma, Ph.D.
Can light be used to look inside tissue to obtain detailed morphological information in a non-invasive manner? Optical coherence tomography (OCT), a high-resolution imaging technique that uses low coherence interferometry is essentially the answer to this problem.
Since its invention in early 1990s, OCT has revolutionized the field of ophthalmology by providing unprecedented eye disease diagnostic capabilities and efforts are underway to explore its clinical utility in other fields of medicine including interventional cardiology. The talk will primarily cover an introduction to the OCT technique, a journey through technological advancements in the last two decades and medical imaging applications.
Dr. Utkarsh Sharma obtained his Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins Univ. in 2006 where he worked on developing novel optical imaging techniques. He has worked at several research institutes including Harvard Medical School, Mass. General Hospital and Beckman Institute at the Univ. of Illinois (UIUC), where he continued working towards developing high-speed and high-sensitivity optical imaging systems and laser sources for application in bio-imaging. He is currently working as a senior scientist at Carl Zeiss Meditec. His research interests are in the field of optical coherence tomography, ophthalmic imaging systems, biophotonics and novel fiber lasers based systems.
CNSV Startup Support Services Committee
Chair: Hemanth Kanakal
Presentation: State of the Consulting Infrastructure Committee’s documents
Speaker: Duane Strong
This presentation will introduce the documents collected and managed for the benefit of CNSV members by the Consulting Infrastructure Committee.
Duane Strong is President of Strong Engineering, LLC, and is an IEEE Certified Software Development Professional. He is currently Co-Chair of the Consulting Infrastructure Committee and a CNSV At-Large Director, and has previously served as CNSV Vice-Chair and Treasurer.
Location: KeyPoint Credit Union
2805 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051
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