Annual CNSV Dinner Meeting: Bell Labs – A Unique Flavor of Corporate R&D
Location: Turmeric Restaurant
This event will have a no-host bar at 6pm, dinner at 7pm and the program at approx. 7:45pm. There will be a Buffet Dinner with Vegetarian options consisting of appetizers, main course options and mango pudding. Drinks will be iced tea, soft drinks and wine.
The event is full, and we will not take payment at the door. Direct questions to Brian Berg
Parking is easiest at the shopping center south of W. Washington Ave., which is one-half block south of the restaurant.
This dinner meeting will include the individual highlights and experiences from the careers of six former Bell Labs employees.
It will be followed by a panel discussion on some of the things that made Bell Labs important and unique, how innovation occurred there, and how these experiences contrast with how R&D is done today.
About the speaker, Moderator T. Kim Parnell, Ph.D., P.E., PEC and 5 panelists
The program will be moderated by Dr. T. Kim Parnell. Kim and the five panelists were all Bell Labs employees within a portion of the 30-year span of 1965-1994, and at one or more of six locations in four states that were amongst more than 20 domestic Bell Labs sites in eight states.
From 1965-73, Dr. Bob Strain worked on early GaP LEDs, MOS science and CCDs in Murray Hill, NJ.
From 1968-71, Dr. Charlie Neuhauser worked at Indian Hill, IL on a germanium-based data switching system and a silicon-based telephone switching system, each of which was so large that one could walk around inside of them.
From 1970-78, Joel Williams worked on telephone switch-related equipment in Holmdel, NJ and Columbus, OH in the Switching Systems Division. He started with relay and tone circuits, and then quickly moved into the minicomputer era and software by helping to create the very first computerized network management system.
From 1978-80, Dr. T. Kim Parnell worked in Indianapolis, IN in physical design for residential telephone sets, with a focus on keypads.
During the summers of 1981-86, Dr. Harry Bims worked at four locations (Indian Hill, IL, and Holmdel, Whippany and Murray Hill, NJ). He was awarded both undergraduate and Ph.D. scholarships for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Stanford Univ., respectively, from 1981-92.
Location: Turmeric Restaurant
141 S. Murphy Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086
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