The Consultants Blog

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Millimeter-Scale Computers: With Deep-Learning Neural Networks on Board 1
Posted Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 by Jeff Safire

“If you’ve got a trillion devices producing readings constantly, we’re going to drown in data,” says Blaauw. By developing tiny, energy-efficient computing sensors that can do analysis on board, Blaauw and Sylvester hope to make these devices more secure, while also saving energy.”

Ransomware is about to get a lot worse, by holding your operating system hostage 2
Posted Tuesday, Jan 31, 2017 by Jeff Safire

The threat of ransomware has grown at an unprecedented rate, rising from being a menace to becoming by far the most common form of malware delivered to victims by cyberattackers.

Highly Effective Gmail Phishing Attack Being Exploited 3
Posted Thursday, Jan 12, 2017 by Jeff Safire

A new highly effective phishing technique targeting Gmail and other services has been gaining popularity during the past year among attackers. Over the past few weeks there have been reports of experienced technical users being hit by this.

Ford, Toyota Lead Auto Industry Consortium to Slow CarPlay Adoption 4
Posted Wednesday, Jan 4, 2017 by Jeff Safire

While I understand this move from automakers to try and remain in control of their own vehicles’ infotainment systems, there seems to be one large problem with abandoning two existing mobile app platforms in Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. These two platforms do not require special support for each new app. But, it sounds…

Former T-Mobile exec leads M87’s efforts to create ‘Proximate Internet’ 5
Posted Thursday, Nov 17, 2016 by Jeff Safire

Former T-Mobile executive Cole Brodman has joined software company M87 as CEO, pitching a solution that will enable wireless carriers and app developers to create a “Proximate Internet” by connecting devices directly at the edge of the network.

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Jeff Safire, Webmaster