The Consultants Blog

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Crowdsourcing Maps is Still Hard 1
Posted Friday, Jun 28, 2019 by Christopher Wilson

I’ve been working on crowdsourced mapping for over 20 years.  It seems like such a simple idea would be able to make the maps we need for Automated Vehicles, but it turns out it’s really hard.  A few years ago this was a very hot space for investment, but people are now realizing it…

Harnessing the Public’s Smartphones to Track Drones 2
Posted Wednesday, Jun 26, 2019 by Jeff Safire

In a recent study in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, a team of scientists in China proposed an intriguing way to track unfamiliar drones through crowdsensing. Their approach leverages participants’ smartphones to detect the Wi-Fi signals of drones.

Smart Speaker Listens for Audible Signs of Cardiac Arrest 3
Posted Wednesday, Jun 19, 2019 by Jeff Safire

The smart speaker system, described today in the journal npj Digital Medicine, detected agonal breathing events 97 percent of the time with almost no false alarms in a proof-of-concept study.

Something wondrous: X-ray map of solar system 4
Posted Thursday, Jun 6, 2019 by Jeff Safire

  An image of the whole sky showing 22 months of X-ray data from NASA’s Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer payload aboard the International Space Station during its nighttime slews between targets. Image: NASA/NICER This image, which at first might strike you as a visualization of global flights or shipping traffic, is actually far…

SpaceX Preps Self-Driving Starlink Satellites for Launch 5
Posted Wednesday, May 22, 2019 by Jeff Safire

The 60 Starlink satellites that SpaceX is preparing to launch tomorrow, after two delays last week, are the first in a planned mega-constellation of nearly 12,000 satellites that Elon Musk hopes will bring affordable broadband Internet to everyone in the world.

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Jeff Safire, Webmaster