The Consultants Blog

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Once hailed as unhackable, blockchains are now getting hacked 1
Posted Thursday, Feb 21, 2019 by Jeff Safire

Early last month, the security team at Coinbase noticed something strange going on in Ethereum Classic, one of the cryptocurrencies people can buy and sell using Coinbase’s popular exchange platform. Its blockchain, the history of all its transactions, was under attack. An attacker had somehow gained control of more than half of the network’s…

Scientists Discover New Type of Magnet 2
Posted Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019 by Jeff Safire

A team of scientists has discovered the first robust example of a new type of magnet—one that holds promise for enhancing the performance of data storage technologies. This “singlet-based” magnet differs from conventional magnets, in which small magnetic constituents align with one another to create a strong magnetic field.

Livermore Lab's breakthrough advances 3D printing applications 3
Posted Wednesday, Feb 6, 2019 by Jeff Safire

Project with UC Berkeley scientists creates more efficient technology by Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly Scientists at LLNL and UC Berkeley have developed technology that can beam a 3D video into a container of photosensitive resin like this one. Photo: Hossein Heidari/UC Berkeley “It looks like something you might find aboard the Starship Enterprise,” said…

Six AI dangers to watch out for in 2019 4
Posted Monday, Jan 14, 2019 by Jeff Safire

Once it was fashionable to fret about the prospect of super-intelligent machines taking over the world. The past year showed that AI may cause all sorts of hazards long before that happens.

The Race to Develop the World’s Best Quantum Tech 5
Posted Thursday, Jan 10, 2019 by Jeff Safire

The National Quantum Initiative Act represents a bipartisan U.S. government push to keep up with China and other countries in developing technologies such as quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum communication—all of which have some potential to upset the balance of economic and military power in the world.

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Jeff Safire, Webmaster