5G - A reality or just hot air? 1

5G – A reality or just hot air?

Posted Friday, Mar 11, 2016 by Jonathan Wells

Following the Mobile World Congress last month in Barcelona, the wireless industry is awash with 5G press releases. But are these real or hype? Verizon  announced their first 5G field trials, but T-Mobile’s CTO responded that this was “kind of BS, to be honest.”  AT&T also announced 5G trials in 2016, but their own technologists challenged this saying “they’re hyping up a technology that won’t be available or deployed widely until 2020.”

So what’s really happening?  See my recent CNSV presentation on this topic – “5G and the Future of Wireless.

1 Comment

  1. User AvatarKim Parnell

    The 5G presentation by CNSV Member & Vice Chair Jonathan Wells was excellent and widely applauded by over 100 attendees. I encourage you to review the presentation PDF. I now have a much better feel for some of the key requirements and competing requirements that need to be addressed by future 5G standards.

    We are also working on finalizing a recording that will have Jonathan’s audio narration of the slides as presented. .