Membership Renewal
[members only]

IEEE members are privileged to join CNSV as a Member. Other high-tech professionals may apply to join as an Affiliate Member, a grade which does not include voting rights. Members and Affiliate Members must adhere to both the IEEE Code of Ethics and the CNSV Bylaws. Networking is an important part of membership. We strongly encourage members to attend meetings for networking and to find out more about membership. This is also the easiest and most effective way for you to influence what the Network tries to do for your benefit.

Your most important member benefit is your Member Profile which describes your skills, and provides you with a handsome webpage. This webpage is found by site visitors when they use the search box, and it is also found by web search engines. You can edit your Member Profile at any time when you log into our site.

Another benefit is our member listserver for communication with fellow members in order to ask questions, find assistance with a project, etc. In addition, you can meet potential clients by helping to staff the CNSV booth at the August Flash Memory Summit. You will receive job postings via our website’s “Post a Project” feature and from members via our listserver. Attend our monthly meetings to see how CNSV creates a fellowship that can help promote your consultancy.

The $50 membership renewal fee is due by Jan. 31 of each calendar year. It can be paid at any time, and you can also renew for up to 3 years by selecting the corresponding PayPal amount.
(Note that there are no multi-year discounts available at this time.)

Select 1, 2 or 3–year renewal:
Member's Full Name::

— OR —

Mail a check for $50 | $100 | $150, made payable to IEEE-CNSV, and send to:

Treasurer IEEE-CNSV
℅ Paul Jensen
PO Box 7852
Menlo Park, CA 94026-7852
Ph: 628.232.0848